Tax Refund Services

NEW! CFSC Has Partnered with Tax Max to help customers like YOU e-file your tax returns!

Get Access To Your Money, Your Way, Right Away.

  • No appointment needed.  All you need is your W-2 and your cell phone to file.
  • Visit your nearest CFSC store to e-file your taxes! Only available in NY, NJ, IL, IN or WI.
  • See what your return will be and decide if you want to pursue or not.
  • Choose to have your refund sent by check where we will cash your check at participating CFSC store locations nationally for a discount, OR you can deposit your refund directly to your Yes! Debit™ or other debit card or bank account.
  • Customers may qualify for a same day advance for $1,000 at no additional fee or up to $6,000 for a small bank fee.

Visit your local store today!

Never wait for your tax refund to clear the bank again! Cash your tax refund at CFSC. Here’s how:

Set up Tax Refund Direct Deposit* with Yes! Debit™


No bank account? No problem. Cash your tax refund EARLIER with CFSC’s Direct Deposit*, and look forward to getting your money in CASH right away.

Unload Your Tax Refund Debit Cards at CFSC


Was your tax refund loaded on a debit card? Visit your nearest CFSC location, and we will unload your card, providing you with immediate cash.

Cash your Tax Refund Checks at CFSC


Bring in your government refund checks. Whether they are local, state or federal, we will cash them for you. No waiting for the funds to clear. Get your cash your way, today!

*This service is available at CFSC locations by application only. Individuals must submit a federal application for approval prior to filing your taxes and indicate the store where you want to cash your tax refund check. If approved, your check will be available to you earlier than having to wait for it to be delivered by mail.

Can I Cash My Tax Refund Check Without A Bank Account?

You certainly can cash your tax refund check without a bank account at CFSC. We provide immediate cash for your tax refund check, and other government checks, so you can get access to your money right away. It’s your money, don’t wait for it, cash your checks at CFSC the minute you receive them! Valid photo identification required.

Services Made Just For You


Come by

With over 130 locations, it’s easy and convenient to find us


Quick and easy

We’ll get your needs taken care of quickly and hassle-free


Flexible hours

Handle your day-to-day business when it works for you, day or night

Visit a CFSC location near you for all of your Tax Refund needs!